Sunday, December 26, 2010

In the beginning...

So here we go. I've decided to try to post opinions on stuff I'm reading (and probably about other things that cross my mind.)

I got a Nook Color for my birthday, and downloaded a lot of free content I had from my last e-reader (Bookkeen - DON'T DO IT! The thing broke in 3 months, and they wanted $100 to replace.)

Recently, I've been re-visiting Keith Laumer's Retief! I didn't enjoy this series when I first encountered it in my teens, but I'm really liking it now. I guess with age comes the cynicism needed to appreciate this work. It's reminding me a bit of Asimov's Foundation series, what with the short vignettes and surprise (or at least twisted) endings.

Now - let's see how long before I get back to this thing....