Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Book of Lies - Brad Meltzer

That's better. As previously posted, I had an issue with Meltzer's first book - The Tenth Justice. This novel is much tighter, and the situation - well, OK, it's nuts, but I really liked it. Even though several characters are over the top and take bizarre actions (I'm thinking Naomi here), they all seem to have their own world view that they stay true to. The protagonist makes some mistakes, but they don't happen because he sacrifices his integrity, and they "work" - it's what he'd do.

This isn't "literature," but it's great fun.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Tenth Justice - Brad Meltzer

We've been watching Meltzer's new show, Decoded, on the History Channel, so I decided to try some of his books. (Faith, my wife, has already read some and enjoyed them.)

This is Meltzer's first novel - a legal thriller. Yes - he got me - I didn't figure it out. Yes - it was fast-paced and kept my interest. Yes - I'm going to read some of his other stuff. BUT...

I really had a problem with the initial premise of the book. Granted, the protagonist had to get himself into a mess for the story, but - I mean, really? I'm a strong proponent of "own your mistakes and be up front about them." The fact that this whole thing was based on an "Oh, look what I did. We can't tell anybody - we'll be clever and hide it." just bothered me.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Leviathan - Scott Westerfeld

This alternate history is the January 2011 selection for the Prince William Public Library's Science Fiction Book Group. It moves at the pace of most YA books. The story is interesting and and easy read, but I didn't really feel "engrossed" by it. The relationships between the characters took predictable turns, and the story (part of a trilogy?) ended with exactly the cliffhangers that I expected. While the ideas of the "evolutionary science" pitted against the "mechanical science" was intriguing, the speed of development in both areas caused a loss of credibility for me, given the WWI setting of the novel.

This works as a YA book, but I don't think it makes it outside the YA category.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Side Jobs - Jim Butcher

I got lucky and found the latest Dresden book at our library. This is a collection of short stories, most of which have appeared elsewhere in print. I really enjoyed the book, and had only read one of the entries before. One tale is told from Harry's brother's POV - this was really good. The last story, Aftermath, is the new one, and takes place just after the end of the last novel. It's really well done, and basically leaves the story open to go in any direction at all.

Highly recommend this one.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

mick - Chris Lynch

We gathered up books to sell several months ago, and Charlie, my 16-year-old, said this one was really good and I should read it. I didn't.

While going through the stack one last time, we again came across this, and Charlie again said it was worth the read.

This is a surprising little YA book about prejudice. It's pretty harsh in its depictions, and while I'm not sure everything is dead on, it has some disturbing moments of truth that can apply to everyone. Briefly, Mick is a young Irish-American who has to come to terms with his feelings about others.

It's a quick read, and worth the little bit of your time it'll take to go through it.